Selasa, 24 Maret 2015


Name  : Fajar Maulana
NPM   : 12211636

Class   : 4EA04

With “5W + 1H” Formula
A.    WHAT
Food is a basic requirement for living things, in addition to clothing (apparel) and board (home). Humans need food average weight three times a day for the sake of sufficient energy needs to move. And sometimes the people are not at home when they feel hungry, and chose to eat outside as in the tavern, on the roadside, food stall or restaurant. In addition to the human heavy foods also need snacks to hungry, for example when they are at the moment not in the hour of eating. Usually chosen to starve is bread, snack, or a snack that can be enjoyed tastes.

B.     WHERE
This shop will be opened around Jl. KRT Radjiman Widyodiningrat, East Jakarta. Medium-term plan is to expand around Housing Klender. Because around there have many opportunities to be made for culinary place. Long-term plans to open stores in various locations around East Jakarta.

C.    WHEN
This business will be held when I graduated from my college in Gunadarma University. After I get all of what the business science from my college, I will devote what I can in my course on how to open a business.

D.    WHY
Because at this time, a lot of places where culinary used to hangout with friends, lovers, and family. The opportunity to open a culinary business is very profitable to me, where is the culinary business includes basic human needs, and the income will be obtained also be very lucrative.

E.     WHO
The target market of this business is the locals ranging from children, adolescents or adults. Because the products offered are suitable for various groups, and the price is affordable.

F.     HOW
In running this business we use the principle of trying to Passion, Innovative, Skilled, Religion, and Diligent.
a.       First, in the operations in order to achieve success is to conduct business with the attitude of the spirit. spirit here in the sense of working with diligence and with a sense of responsibility, because the main task of an entrepreneur is able to take responsibility for their products to consumers. So with that is able to be a motivation to work with passion.
b.      Second, in achieving a success of this effort is the innovative work. This effort will create a new product with a delicious taste and nutritious than ever.
c.       Third, the next way is to work with Skilled. In this case the intention is skilled in conducting business activities are required attitude skilled in making their products. Skilled required to build a business that is able to create products that are unique and interesting.
d.      Fourth, the means used to achieve the success of this effort is to religion. The point is that in doing this business activities should keep praying and trying. Prayer is a key to success in spite of attempts viable. By considering religion in the course of business operations will run smoothly. As a religious man All efforts and success will not happen without effort, prayer and by the permission of God Almighty. So pray after trying an important key in running a business.
e.       Fifth, it is a way that I run is to run as a diligent effort. That is diligent in working and diligent respect for each other. Diligent in all aspects, especially in terms of membership in this effort. Diligent mutual mengingatna, diligent accept criticism and suggestions are good and so on. The foregoing is to make an effort dijalakankan towards the path of success.


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